Repeat Prescriptions

Please note that we endeavour to have your repeat prescriptions ready for collection from the Surgery or Pharmacy up to 3 working days from the day it was requested. If you are requesting for an item that is not on your repeats it may take longer to be completed.

We require ID when collecting a prescription and anyone collecting a prescription on behalf on someone else will need to have given consent.

If your order your repeat prescription on:


We endeavour for you prescription to be ready by Thursday after 3pm.


We endeavour for you prescription to be ready by Friday after 3pm.


We endeavour for you prescription to be ready by Monday after 3pm.


We endeavour for you prescription to be ready by Tuesday after 3pm.


We endeavour for you prescription to be ready by Wednesday after 3pm.

Please take Bank Holidays into account and allow us an extra 48 hours when requesting your prescriptions.